Saturday, March 15, 2014

The End?

So... This is the end ay? Maybe, maybe not.

Today, we are going to discuss about the history of this blog, the future, and stuff to improve.

This blog was actually our CEO or Creative Expansive Output. This was actually to help improve our tech skills (mine are good 'nuff because I'm a computer geek) and to raise awareness of the sea turtles and the potential of the BNPP. But most importantly, it is to help us improve our teamwork skills and our creativity (Yup. I thought of making a recording at first). We need all those skills for... high school.

This blog was made by procrastinators. We always postpone our work, yet we still get to submit on time. Still, the problem is that we don't output well made posts (for those who understand, medyo lang). We never had the time to make the post very nice, yet we still made the post. Period. But it doesn't mean that we can't improve. if we were given the chance, we would do this again not just to improve our posts, communicate more, and fix our mistakes (like me criticizing my friend's blog and me trying to teach my groupmates but i was teaching the wrong thing), but because this was really fun. We were allowed to "talk" to you guys and we had fun doing so. We hope that we meet our very few fans and make them happier by doing better. Sadly, no time to do so. If only the TARDIS was real!

Hope you had fun, Thanks for reading and PEACE!

Sponsored by: McRonald
Special thanks to: The urban gurU ('Cher Rye) for this wonderful CEO!

I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them.
- Isaac Asimov

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Our field trip to... (Pt. 4) - Nuclears? I think not...

Last Tuesday, we discussed about the BNPP, next up, choosing to open or not!

Imagine that it's 2043, all of us are 40, while you are 58, and one of us is elected president in a competition between us 4. We'll call him, or her, the chosen one. Sadly, the entire country is suffering from power crisis since global prices of oil plummeted to a level no one can ever imagine. The only solution that can resolve the power crisis is opening the BNPP that had been mothballed already for the past 60 years because of 4,000 defects. First of all, if s/he opens the BNPP, we get more power, yet nuclear meltdowns are possible and could kill not just sea turtles, lots of animals. Yet, if s/he doesn't open it, we have less power. Well, screw that, keep it dormant! For the animals!

If we had an even worse electricity crisis than when the plant was made, the chosen one might have opened the power plant even with its 4,000 defects (probably less since it is being treated), else not, for the reason that opening the power plant will endanger the marine turtles at the 7 kilometer-long Morong Beach. As much as people depend on electricity we think it is more important to take care of these creatures, who are already near extinction. Although many people would complain about the loss, many will also agree that it is better to keep these creatures alive rather than have the plant running and possibly explode and poison and kill these poor animals. Even worse, it can kill off the whole Philippine population of sea turtles, with some Filipinos.



The chosen one doesn't want to open the BNPP only until that crisis occurs because of the potential things it can do to everything, human or animal, good or bad. No one wants that. You, try choosing between death or life. You chose life, didn't you? Same with millions of others. No one wants to die. And you too!


Congratulations, you are the 100,000,000th who joined the millions of people who want to live! Claim your prize here!


Well, that is it for now (It's even shorter than the former), Hope you enjoyed, Thanks for reading, and PEACE!

Seriously, don't open that link.

External Sources:

That's it, honestly!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Our field trip to... (Pt. 3) - NUKE!!!

Last Thursday, we were talking about sea turtles and the beach, now, let's go somewhere else...

While we're thinking of ideas about the next part of our trip, let's talk nuclear. Nuclear Power is the use of nuclear fission, to provide heat and electricity. The advantages is that it doesn't require coal, a non-renewable resource and it doesn't require that much uranium to be powered (1 pellet = 9 drums of oil = 3 tons of coal). Also, well-operated nuclear power plants don't release pollutants into the environment. But... There are setbacks. Nuclear explosions produce radiation and this harms the cells of the body which can make people sick or even kill them. Illness can strike people years after their exposure to nuclear radiation. Even worse, there is something known as a meltdown. In such an accident, the fission reaction goes out of control, leading to a nuclear explosion and the emission of great amounts of radiation. Examples are the Three Mile Island disaster and the Chernobyl disaster. Nuclear reactors also have waste disposal problems. Reactors produce nuclear waste products which emit dangerous radiation and because they could kill people who touch them, they cannot be thrown away like ordinary garbage. Currently, many nuclear wastes are stored in special cooling pools at the nuclear reactors. Also a very major setback is that the reactors usually last for 40-50 years.

Why did we discuss this? Because next, we went to the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant!
During the visit, we expected to learn the importance of nuclear energy and how we can use it to give us enough electricity. We also expected to learn the history and why they did not continue the project, how the energy was made into electricity and what could have happened if the project was to be fixed and polished so that we could have lower electricity bills.
We learned how they turned thermal steam into electricity, why it was never powered (they discovered over 400 faults) and that it is the one and only nuclear power plant in the Philippines. They mentioned that their fuel, a uranium pellet, is equal to 9 drums of oil or 3 tons of coal.
What we found most interesting was the tour of the power plant. It was exciting and most definitely cool. Although it was quite hot inside it was fun and interesting to see how the power plant functions.

Well, that is it for now (it's the shortest we made ,not including the first), Hope you enjoyed, Thanks for reading, and PEACE!

External Sources:

Note: we have no pictures because no one had enough battery to take any. Sorry. Also our opinions were merged because of lack of time and coordination.