Saturday, March 15, 2014

The End?

So... This is the end ay? Maybe, maybe not.

Today, we are going to discuss about the history of this blog, the future, and stuff to improve.

This blog was actually our CEO or Creative Expansive Output. This was actually to help improve our tech skills (mine are good 'nuff because I'm a computer geek) and to raise awareness of the sea turtles and the potential of the BNPP. But most importantly, it is to help us improve our teamwork skills and our creativity (Yup. I thought of making a recording at first). We need all those skills for... high school.

This blog was made by procrastinators. We always postpone our work, yet we still get to submit on time. Still, the problem is that we don't output well made posts (for those who understand, medyo lang). We never had the time to make the post very nice, yet we still made the post. Period. But it doesn't mean that we can't improve. if we were given the chance, we would do this again not just to improve our posts, communicate more, and fix our mistakes (like me criticizing my friend's blog and me trying to teach my groupmates but i was teaching the wrong thing), but because this was really fun. We were allowed to "talk" to you guys and we had fun doing so. We hope that we meet our very few fans and make them happier by doing better. Sadly, no time to do so. If only the TARDIS was real!

Hope you had fun, Thanks for reading and PEACE!

Sponsored by: McRonald
Special thanks to: The urban gurU ('Cher Rye) for this wonderful CEO!

I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them.
- Isaac Asimov

1 comment:

  1. I was hoping to find personal realizations from this last post but I was very much disappointed. One, because it seems only one person made this. I was not able to hear the opinion of the other group members. Two, I had a hard time looking for a sense of "humility" in this post. And finally, everything defeated the real sense of making this project.

    Here is your final blog post score:

    Content - 8/15
    Coherence - 4/5
    Creativity - 3/5
    Voice - 3/5
    Mechanics - 3/5
    Text Layout - 5/5
    Graphics & Multimedia - 0/5
    Intellectual Honesty - 5/5
    Late Post (-1)

    TOTAL: 30/50

    I pray for a change of heart.
